Even after having its origin dated back in the Babylonian era, dowry has still managed to be the hot topic in 2021. The practice of setting a price tag on the daughter has gone unchecked for centuries and now its only an unfortunate news than shocking. Another day, another hashtag. (Credits : assignmentpoint.com) But what exactly is Dowry today? Is it a crime or yet another unconstitutional custom? The Dowry Prohibition Act enacted in 1961 has clearly made it illegal to demand or accept dowry in any format. So a presumed answer would be that it is a crime. If so why is dowry system unchecked and still prevalent in India and why is it still on a rise? The recent unfortunate incidents of dowry deaths in India has given out a negative impact to the whole Act itself and people have branded it to be useless. For six decades the act has been in effect and yet the system has never been eradicated in today's India. In fact, what crime has ever become extin...
Articles expressing the irrationality of the world with a hope to make it rational.