The well praised Kerala's left government, isn't really left out from the forces of corruption (pun intended). Being praised for its efforts in battling the pandemic and for making one of the highest developed state in the country, people did give a blind eye to its flaws. Drawing a bigger line of goodness parallel to the bad, will definitely make the goodness look better but it will never erase the bad.
It is through the public service commission examinations, candidates are selected for the state government jobs in various fields. From ordinary clerks to medical officers under the government sector, every one has to clear the PSC examinations and jobs will be provided according to the ranks. But here's where the tables turned in the state of Kerala. Ironically, the most literate state of the country, decided to ignore the knowledge of an individual and decided to consider the party alligiance. It was during the fall of 2019, people started to reconsider the lack of transparency in the PSC nominations. The suicide of a rank holder spurred the outrage among people and it gained a state wide notice.
The opposition party seeked for answers and even today no definite answer or investigation has taken place. Even though the Kerala high court ordered for an investigation in the recent appointments, no further conclusion were derived from those. Further protests seemed to come up as many candidates were still not regularlised in their jobs and the fear of being thrown out of their jobs after the LDF regime falls in 2021 raised the tensions. The accusations made by the protesters were that the government was regularising those who are in allegiance to the LDF and others were either unregularised or not even appointed in the first place. It's almost as if the government has foreseen their downfall even though the local body polls said otherwise. It's almost as if the present government is salvaging everything it can before the ship has completely sunk.
The ignorance to the bad has often paved the way for a government to keep drawing those lines. When the good kept getting bigger, the bad grew along with it. First rank holders being not in a government job sparked questions even with the Pro left activists. As the state is heading to it's elections, it is indeed a vital factor that'll affect the election margins. I said margins and not results, because in Kerala there is mostly a change in rule term after term. Being one of the most politicised state with the highest number of politically aware people, Kerala is likely to make the change in the mid of 2021.
As we talk about the farmers in the north, the ones who provide the food for the nation, we are giving a blind eye to those who have been toiling their days and nights to get themselves a job, so that they can even afford to buy food. Determining a man's skill with his political or religious alligiance is the poison that would kill the words such as sovereign socialist secular republic. Lack of transparency is lack of democracy.
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