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Showing posts from April, 2021

Raising a minion.

Religion. Politics. These two aren't much different from each other today. Infact there could be a day when the blasphemy provision might also include hurting political sentiments as well. The only one little difference that laid between the two was that the former is injected to a person as a child, which has now slowly shrunk down to almost no difference. Injecting an ideology into a young mind that's still in its clay form is the morst cruel act a parent can do to their child. The free will of the young mind is been exposed to an undue influence. I have seen children who are only 10 years old wearing wrist bands and orange threads of a party and its goals they can't even spell. I have seen young comrades March up the roads, hoisting red flags and spilling blood on the roads rather than ink on the sheets. Not knowing for whom, not knowing for what they keep being enslaved to an opinion that was never theirs.  "Modi is the best", said the 13 year old,...