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Raising a minion.

Religion. Politics. These two aren't much different from each other today. Infact there could be a day when the blasphemy provision might also include hurting political sentiments as well. The only one little difference that laid between the two was that the former is injected to a person as a child, which has now slowly shrunk down to almost no difference. Injecting an ideology into a young mind that's still in its clay form is the morst cruel act a parent can do to their child. The free will of the young mind is been exposed to an undue influence. I have seen children who are only 10 years old wearing wrist bands and orange threads of a party and its goals they can't even spell. I have seen young comrades March up the roads, hoisting red flags and spilling blood on the roads rather than ink on the sheets. Not knowing for whom, not knowing for what they keep being enslaved to an opinion that was never theirs. 

"Modi is the best", said the 13 year old, with an extremist tone. She already hates a community. She doesn't know the difference between a state and a union. She doesn't know the meaning of parliament nor the upper or lower house. The child doesn't even know when and how elections are done. But she was adamant about her faith in Narendra Modi. She was fierce about her stance.
"So tell me, who is the finance minister of our state?". The 19 year old comrade who screams inquilab for every party event couldn't answer. Then how did he reach here? How did these two young minds reach in a situation where they do not knowing what they are fighting for? The answer lies deep within the normalcy of our lives. The unknowing act of not just passing on our genes, but passing on our hatred, our thoughts and our slavery chains down the line. 

Hatred grows inside the minds of these young people. It grows as they grow. And that hatred becomes radicalism, extremism and in some cases even terrorism. Had the parents of a 23 year old boy showed the way to rationalism and had he been given an opportunity to see good instead of hate, he wouldn't have murdered a 14 year old Muslim boy for drinking water from a temple tap. Cyber crimes, unhealthy debates, murders which are related to political scenarios have been committed by 20-25 year olds in 60% of the reported cases. Vandalism, rape threats and even rapes itself are also on the rise from these young people. And all for what? For a party who's name they can't even spell, for an ideology they never understood, for an ancestor they never knew and for an agenda they will never know.
The very same parents who wish for their children to make a change in this world often plant the unchangeable prejudices of caste and politics into their children. The vengeance will never end. The hatred will never end and the war will go on. It will never stop until the day comes, when we stop raising minions and start raising children.


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