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Showing posts from February, 2021

'Un'Public Service Commission of Kerala.

(Photo credits : The Indian express) The well praised Kerala's left government, isn't really left out from the forces of corruption (pun intended). Being praised for its efforts in battling the pandemic and for making one of the highest developed state in the country, people did give a blind eye to its flaws. Drawing a bigger line of goodness parallel to the bad, will definitely make the goodness look better but it will never erase the bad. It is through the public service commission examinations, candidates are selected for the state government jobs in various fields. From ordinary clerks to medical officers under the government sector, every one has to clear the PSC examinations and jobs will be provided according to the ranks. But here's where the tables turned in the state of Kerala. Ironically, the most literate state of the country, decided to ignore the knowledge of an individual and decided to consider the party alligiance. It was during the fall of 2019...

India - A declared democracy within an undeclared emergency.

(cartoon credits : Sajith Kumar ) People who have lived their prime through the 1970s perhaps wouldn't need much new knowledge on what and how the emergency period was. The darkest era of democracy as someone once said and I quoted in a previous article. The similarities between the Indira government and the Modi government was pointed out in various ways and by various authors around the globe. The question of are we in a state of emergency today is indeed something that would make one hesitant to say no. Thanks to outrages among the citizens for their basic rights. If that sentence smelt like there was a tad pinch of annoyance in it, you weren't wrong. But this is not my point of view, it's the government's. Ever since 2014 to the present, the graph of conviction in sedition cases have gone uphil in a quicker pace, compared to those convicted in murders, rapes, human trafficking and much more. Maybe the pandemic graph is the only one that could be put on a...